Publish and Sell Templates on the AppDrag Marketplace

AppDrag is a full ecosystem in which its users create great content for others.  You can generate revenue and passive income by providing high quality and ready-to-use templates to the MarketPlace.

1 - Enable the MarketPlace on your account

Enabling selling on AppDrag is simple.  Go to your account settings from the top right menu and make sure all of your information is filled out.  It is very important to determine if you are a company or not and to provide your VAT number, if applicable.

You will have to create a Stripe Account in order to receive your sales payment.  AppDrag takes a 35% commission fee of the total sale price.

User settings for an AppDrag seller

2 - Publish your template

To publish your template, you need to go to the PageBuilder and publish your template as you would publish your project. When published, press the "Publish your website on the MarketPlace" button and fill out the relevant information.  You can edit it later in your MarketPlace dashboard.

Publish box on the PageBuilder

Once published, AppDrag's verification team will ensure it matches the required quality and general rules.  Once approved,  it becomes available to all AppDrag users for purchases.

3 - Monitor your sales

You can edit your template information and price at any moment from the MarketPlace Dashboard.

This button will appear once your account is setup as a MarketPlacer seller

Here is where you can monitor sales you made, and export a CSV for you accounting.

Publish box on the PageBuilder