Page Structure Overview

Unlike other CMS  or Website builders you know, AppDrag produces clean responsive code based on Bootstrap. Everything you visually produce generates clean source code that is automatically responsive! This is why we create pay layout structures using SECTIONS ROWS >  COLUMNS ELEMENTS.

These are blocks of content within a page. They can have variable heights but span the width of the page. Rows, columns and elements are all nested within sections.

An example of a section, which we'll break down below


A section contains one or multiple rows. They are used to create horizontal groups, with a grid of 12 slots.

Example of the first row within a section

Example of second row within a section


Columns share the space of a row. If we have two columns in the row if you want them to be equal size they will both take 6 slots of the grid. The important point is that the 12 slots are filled, it could be 3 slots and 9 slots, 4 slots and 8 slots, ...
Columns can be resized with your mouse from the right of the column you want to enlarge or make smaller.

Left columns inside the first row

Right column inside the first row

On mobile, due to small device width, every column will take the full available width and the columns will be appended vertically.


Columns are filled with any kind of elements (Text, images, buttons, menus, logos, ...) vertically arranged (below each others) and taking the full width of the column. 

A text in the first column of the first row

A button in the first and only column of the second row

An image in the second column of the first row



Let's have a look at this Section:
  • Row 1
    • Column 1
      • Icon button
      • Text
    • Column 2
      • Image
  • Row 2
    • Column 1
      • Icon
      • Title
      • Text description
    • Column 2
      • Icon
      • Title
      • Text description
    • Column 3
      • Icon
      • Title
      • Text description